It seems to have become natural for amateur and aspiring photographers to go to zoos and photograph the animals, and try to make them look as if they are not in cages (including myself). This poses interesting questions, naturally it is a good way to practice setting up a shot, field of depth, focus etc. but by pretending that the animals were photographed in natural settings by eliminating the cages and fences, they’re somewhat forgetting one of what I believe to be one of the key elements of photography, and that is capturing the moment for what it is, and not to try to force our perspectives on others. This dawned on me after looking at the pictures and reflecting on the day. The pictures sat in my laptop for a few months until I decide to post them, after realising that some of the more striking and emotionally binding shots are of the animals with their quarters and cages visible, or at least imaginable. Not all of these pictures are shot in zoos, but I have just made an inner vow, that should I go to a zoo, then I will make pictures of the people, and the animals, with cages, with borders, mental and physical, visible and otherwise. On the other side I urge photographers to open their eyes to the wildlife walking all around us, in the cities and suburbs, as these can make for truly candid and fascinating shots.. On a lighter note, I still hope that the pictures are enjoyable, and the animal’s characters are visible.